Spokojné účastníčky projektovej mobility Erasmus+, Timea Kováčová (3.E) a Simona Holomanová (3.E), zavítali vo štvrtok

Nechajte sa inšpirovať a pridajte sa aj vy k projektu Erasmus+. Otvorte dvere k novým zážitkom a skúsenostiam, ktoré vás čakajú!

Erasmus+: A Journey of New Friendships and Unforgettable Experiences

On Thursday, October 17, 2024, our enthusiastic participants of the Erasmus+ mobility programme, Timea Kováčová (3.E) and Simona Holomanová (3.E), shared the unforgettable experiences and insights they gained through Erasmus with all second-grade classes. They spoke with excitement about the opportunities that opened up for them, the cultural enrichment they experienced, and the strong friendships they built with students from the partner school. For them, Erasmus was more than just an academic exchange — it was an entryway to a world of new possibilities, personal growth, and mutual understanding.

Get inspired and join the Erasmus+ programme too. Open the door to new adventures and experiences that are waiting for you!

Fotogaléria — Erasmus+: prezentácia projektovej mobility