Middle Years Programme 4 — General Information

Middle Years Programme

Gymnazium Srobarova 1 Kosice is a candidate school*) for the MYP. This school is pursuing authorization as an IB World School. IB World Schools share a common philosophy — a commitment to high-quality, challenging, international education — that we believe is important for our students.
*) Only schools authorized by the IB Organization can offer any of its four academic programmes: the Primary Years Programme (PYP), the Middle Years Programme (MYP), the Diploma Programme (DP), or the Career-related Programme (CP). Candidate status gives no guarantee that authorization will be granted.
For further information about the IB and its programmes visit www.ibo.org.

Gymnázium Šrobárova 1 Košice je kandidátskou školou*) pre MYP. Táto škola sa usiluje o autorizáciu, aby sa stala IB World School. IB World Schools zdieľajú spoločnú filozofiu — záväzok ku kvalitnému, náročnému, medzinárodnému vzdelávaniu, o ktorom sme presvedčení, že je dôležité pre našich žiakov.
*) Iba školy autorizované organizáciou IB môžu ponúkať ktorýkoľvek zo štyroch akademických programov: Program pre základné školy (PYP), Program pre stredné školy (MYP), Diplomový program (DP) alebo Program pre kariéru (CP). Štatút kandidáta nedáva záruku, že autorizácia bude udelená.
Ďalšie informácie o IB a programoch nájdete na stránke www.ibo.org.

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Middle Years Programme 4 — General Information

Middle Years Programme 4 is a programme for students aged 14/15 – 16/17, which covers first and second years of secondary school. It provides education for pupils who have diverse interests and a wide range of learning preferences.

MYP provides an educational framework that encourages pupils to have creative, critical and reflective thinking skills.

MYP gives emphasis to intellectual challenges that encourage pupils to make connections between their study of traditional subjects and the real world.

MYP promotes the development of skills in communication, intercultural understanding, and global engagement.

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Middle Years Programme:

  • is comprehensively focused on students‘ intellectual, social and emotional abilities and their physical well-being,
  • provides opportunities for students to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills they need to cope with complex situations and act responsibly in the future,
  • provides breadth and depth of understanding through study in eight subject groups,
  • requires the study of at least two languages (the language of instruction and another language of choice) to support pupils in understanding their own and other peoples‘ cultures,
  • enables students to participate in service within the community,
  • helps prepare students for further education, work and a lifelong positive relationship with learning.

This educational model is used in more than 100 countries around the world.

MYP wants to develop students who are:

  • active in their learning
  • think in international contexts
  • are able to show empathy
  • have the intellect and skills that enable them to live a purposeful and meaningful life

It offers students opportunities to:

  • develop their potential
  • identify the most appropriate forms of learning
  • expand skills to overcome obstacles and cope with challenges
  • to flourish their own personality

The MYP helps students to acquire subject-specific knowledge, but also teaches them interdisciplinary learning, i.e. to be able to link knowledge from different areas into a coherent whole based on contexts.

Throughout their studies, pupils are also engaged in Service as Action, which are in-school and out-of-school community service activities (volunteering and other socially beneficial activities), which have always been shared values of the IB community. Pupils take action when they apply what they learn in and out of the classroom. IB students strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a commitment to service that positively impacts the lives of others and the environment. Service as an activity is an integral part of the program, especially in the MYP Community Project.

MYP assessment:
rigorous criteria consistently applied worldwide

MYP assessment standards are consistent worldwide. In order to maintain the rigour that IB education is renowned for, the MYP assessment model is criteria-based. Teachers create a variety of tasks so that students can demonstrate achievement according to the objectives defined by the IB.

Tasks are assessed on the basis of set criteria, not on the work of other students.

A well-developed curriculum promotes a variety of pupils‘ skills. The MYP encourages teachers to assess this set of acquired skills, including the extent to which they are prepared to succeed in written examinations. Typical MYP assessment includes open-ended problem-solving and exploration activities, organised debates, tests and examinations, practical experimentation, analysis and reflection.

MYP assessment is carried out by teachers according to the criteria set by the IB.

All schools are responsible for developing appropriate assessments for their pupils according to the published MYP targets and criteria.

IB World Schools offering MYP are involved in either moderating or monitoring the assessment. IB reviews and provides feedback on each school’s internally developed assessments, highlighting areas where the school is performing well as well as areas for improvement.

External moderation verifies final report card grades and can lead to the award of MYP certificates.

For moderation, schools submit samples of pupils‘ assessed work in each MYP subject (along with a personal project) from the final year of the programme to independent external moderators appointed by the IB.

Through this process, the IB ensures that schools and teachers use the MYP international standards when assessing their students.

Assessment monitoring provides support and guidance to schools on internal assessment procedures and practices. Schools benefit from the expertise of trained moderators and experienced MYP subject specialists. Assessment Monitoring helps schools to apply MYP assessment principles to their own local practices. (Assessment Monitoring is not linked to the verification of pupil grades.)

Učebné osnovy Middle Years Programme

MYP aims to develop active learners and internationally minded young people who can empathise with others and strive for a purposeful and meaningful life.

The programme enables pupils to explore a wide range of issues and ideas that are relevant in local, national and global contexts. This education results in young people who are creative, critical and reflective thinkers.

MYP is flexible enough to adapt to most national or local curricula. It builds on the knowledge and skills that pupils have acquired at the previous level of education.

At the age when young people are forming their own personalities and building self-esteem and a healthy self-concept, MYP can motivate them and help them to succeed both at school and in life beyond school.

Subject offer

In MYP 4, students have the opportunity to choose subjects from six subject groups:

  • LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE — Slovak language and literature / for foreigners — English language and literature — 3 lessons per week
  • FOREIGN LANGUAGE — English language compulsory (4 hours per week), second foreign language to choose from: German and French — 3 hours per week
  • SOCIAL SCIENCES — History, Geography — 2 hours per week
  • NATURAL SCIENCES — Biology, Chemistry, Physics — 2 hours per week
  • MATH — 5 hours per week
  • BODY AND HEALTH EDUCATION — 2 hours per week

In MYP 4 they begin work on a Final Project (Personal Project), culminating in its presentation in MYP.

Each student independently develops a Personal Project and produces a truly personal and creative piece of work that is a summative assessment of his/her ability to work independently.

Throughout their studies, the student is also engaged in a Service as Action project, which is in-school and after-school community service activities (volunteering and other socially beneficial activities).

Pupils can enrol in various extracurricular activities and clubs offered by the school and also participate in Olympiads and competitions organised in the Slovak school system.


In the sixth (MYP 5) year of the programme, the studies end with a Final Project (Personal Project), which is externally assessed. Upon successful completion (minimum grade 3) and after fulfilling the requirements, students can then continue their studies in the two-year IB Diploma programme.